Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ) has developed over a period of at least 5000 years. It is a holistic form of Medicine and can treat you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It can be used for acute or chronic conditions. Acupuncture is one method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ). Other methods which are often used in conjunction with Acupuncture are Moxibustion, Cupping, Massage and Chinese Herbs. TCM is very effective in treating many kinds of disease and painful conditions which is why it has lasted throughout the ages.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into Acupuncture points on the skin. Techniques are applied to these points to regulate the Energy or Qi (as it is called in TCM ), that flows through the body. Acupuncture points are sites on the skin through which the energy of the organs and meridians comes to the surface. These points are located on 12 Meridians each being linked to an organ. Our Life Force Energy or Qi flows through these Meridians and nourishes the organs, muscles, joints, skin … everything! Sometimes the energy can become blocked or deficient causing illness and painful conditions. Acupuncture can clear or move blocked energy which is often the cause of painful conditions or it can increase the energy flow to points of deficiency. Acupuncture aims to correct any imbalances in the body by correcting the flow of energy around the body.
Why does Acupuncture Work?
· Acupuncture stimulates the secretion of endorphins – naturally occurring chemicals released from the brain that relieve pain. Endorphins have actions similar to pain killing drugs like morphine but they are naturally made and have no harmful side-effects..
· Autonomic nervous system is balanced by Acupuncture- the autonomic nervous system controls functions such as digestion, heartbeat and perspiration. Through the Autonomic nervous system, Acupuncture helps us to either relax or boost our energy so we are prepared for action.
· Acupuncture boosts circulation enhancing the healing process of injury, infections etc. and decreasing inflammation.
· Acupuncture has a positive effect on the immune system.
· Acupuncture works by correcting imbalances in the energy flow of the body. Imbalances are determined by the qualified practitioner and points are chosen andtreated according to TCM theory.
First Consultation and Diagnosis
The first session with an Acupuncturist takes longer because there is an in depth consultation and a history is taken. The Acupuncturist needs to determine which points to use so that the patient can get the best outcome from the treatment. Chinese Medical Diagnoses works differently to Western Medical Diagnosis in that the Chinese Medical Practitioner looks at the state of a person’s Qi and Blood, Yin and Yang, whether their condition is interior or exterior and other external factors such as wind, cold, damp, heat etc …. This information is combined with Tongue and Pulse diagnosis the practitioner forms a diagnosis and decides the best combination of points to use on the patient to balance their energy and create harmony in the body.
How long is an Acupuncture Treatment?
The first consultation and treatment is about 1 hour and 15 minutes and subsequent treatments are about 45 minutes to an hour long.
Acupuncture Needles
Needles used in Acupuncture are very fine so it is relatively painless form of treatment. They are much finer than a hypodermic needle that is used to get an injection or take a blood test. Acupuncture needles are not hollow like a hypodermic needle but are solid. Made from stainless steel, they are disposable and used only once. When taken out of the patient they are immediately disposed of in a sharps bin.