Acupuncture is an ancient method that has been used for thousands of years to relieve3 pain.It is commonly used today to treat back and neck pain, arthritic and inflammatory pain, as well as headaches and migraines. Fine needles are inserted into points stimulating the release of endorphins which are our own naturally produced painkillers. When an acupuncture needle is inserted into a muscle, the muscle and nearby nerves are stimulated and send a message to the brain causing these pain blocking endorphins to be released.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are wonderful for regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and resolving pain and mood swings. The following conditions are treated with acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and nutritional supplements. These conditions are best treated before trying to conceive a baby as well to increase chances of conception. Regular treatments for about 4 months before conception is ideal.
o Menstrual Irregularities
o Endometriosis
o Low Libido
o Luteal phase defect
o Period pain
o Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
o Unexplained Infertility
o Urinary tract infections
o Thrush
o Premenstrual Syndrome
o Menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes
Acupuncture for Fertility
A regular healthy menstrual cycle that is pain free will increase your chance of conceiving. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs will help bring the menstrual cycle back into balance. Acupuncture in combination with Chinese Herbs and Nutritional Supplements can greatly improve chances of conceiving for couples who are having difficulty is worth looking into because it will also:
o Improve egg quality
o Increase blood circulation to the uterus
o Thicken lining of the endometrium
o Improve implantation of embryo
o Increase basal body temperature
o Decrease miscarriage rates
o Regulate hormone levels
o Help ovulation to occur if not occurring
o Promote more efficient ovulation
o Increase fertile mucus
o Decrease stress and anxiety levels (for both Men and Women)
And for Men:
o Decrease sperm DNA fragmentation
o Increase sperm count and motility
o Improve sperm morphology
IVF Support
o Increase blood circulation to the uterus
Acupuncture for Pregnancy
IVF Support
o Increase blood circulation to the uterus
o Thicken lining of the endometrium
o Improve implantation of embryo
o Increase basal body temperature
o Decrease miscarriage rates
o Decrease stress and anxiety levels (for both Men and Women)
o Decrease stress and anxiety levels (for both Men and Women)
Acupuncture for Pregnancy
Acupuncture can relieve many of the discomforts a woman can experience during pregnancy.
These include:
o Morning sickness – nausea and vomiting
o Prevention of Miscarriage
o Upper and lower back pain
o Sciatica
o Heartburn
o Urinary Tract Infections
o Swollen Ankles – Fluid Retention/ Oedema
o Fatigue
o Constipation
o Insomnia
o Anxiety and depression
o Headaches
o Sinusitis
o Induction of Labour
o Breech and Posterior position
Postnatal Treatment
o Postnatal Depression
o Retained Products
o Mastitis
o Insufficient lactation
Other Health Conditions
Acupuncture treats a variety of conditions. They are listed in Categories below.
Musculo-skeletal – Arthritis (Osteo/Rheumatoid), joint pain, back pain, low back pain, general pain and weakness, sciatica, heel spurs, shin splints, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, Whiplash, stiff neck, Inflamed or damaged tissue, sprains, strains, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Knee injuries, Oedema (swollen knee, ankle), gout…and more.
Ear, Nose and Throat disorders - Toothache, pain after tooth extraction, acute or chronic headache, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal catarrh.
Eye Disorders – Red, itchy sore, watery eyes, Conjunctivitis, Near sightedness, Blepharitic spasms.
Headaches/Migraines/Sinus headaches
Neurological Disorders - Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Paralysis, dizziness, Post stroke Paresis, Migraines.
Fatigue - Chronic fatigue, General tiredness or lack of energy, Post Glandular Fever Ross River Fever etc..
Viral/ Infectious Conditions – Common cold, cough, sore throat, chills and fever, sinus, sinus headache.
Respiratory Disorders, - Asthma, Common Cold, Influenza, Chronic Cough.
Psycological/Emotional Conditions – Stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, Insomnia, poor memory, Mood Swings, PMT, Addictions.
Gynecological/Menstrual Conditions – Period pain, Irregular Menstruation, Heavy periods, Menopausal Hot Flushes, Infertility, Miscarriage, Low libido, IVF support.
Pregnancy – Morning Sickness, Back pain Heartburn, Sciatica Induction of labour, malposition of fetus postnatal depression and exhaustion.
Digestive Disorders – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acute or Chronic Gastritis, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Bloating, Digestive pain, Heartburn.
Urinary Disorders – Painful Urination, Urinary retention, Cystitis, Prostatitis.
Circulatory Disorders – Hypertension, sluggish circulation